Friday, April 6, 2007


Spam Tier 1 units (Archers/Ghouls/Footmen/Grunts), rallied on hero after the Rush.
1. Rush
2. Harass
3. Creep each to lv. 3, grab SoTP + IP
4. Harass
5. Invade
Rarely lasted longer than that with Kim and I.
I'm talkin' 26-1.

  • Don't defend your base if you're not in it; focus on theirs.
  • Ditch your wisps after Altar completes; Use them for reconnaissance.
  • Keep your Tinker alive at all times.
  • Immortal Archers!
  • Rotate your focus on enemy: workers, units, heroes.


Be sure to spam Archers all the way through step 5.
1. Rush: lose as many units as you like, deal dmg
2. Creep: get staff of teleport
3. Harass: don't lose any units
4. Tech + Heal
5. Creep, grab invisi pot
6. Harass with Tinker; Creep with units
7. Spam DotTs, harassing as necessary
8. Regroup + Heal
9. Invade to kill units.
Stay keyed in on Archer and DotT count.
Regenerate your army; it's a cheap army.

The Immortal Archer

was a major goal in AT 2v2's (usually meant the other person would go melee).

Never really took hold in solo (for some reason).


I don't think anybody ever caught me using them. I never used it with a referee nor observer.

However, I'm sure some people were swearing when they made a move and I countered it as they moved.

I always went Wind. Think about it.

Think of the cheese!

Blame Mitch

it's all his fault.